Welcome to the Bus Driving Simulator game, the tour!

Pick up passengers along the road to win the level!

10 levels so far, and 3 bonus levels!

You have 5 lives!

This is like a 3-lane runner game, but it's driving!


Car: Not that advanced, but takes away 1 life.

Road Work: Dodge fast, or 1 life will be taken!

Stop Sign: Same as road work, but spawns a road work instead of taking away 1 life.

Sewer: Safe if open, but not if closed.

Spikes: Seems like someone is trying to make your tour bus, a little crashed up.

Truck: Careful! Has a 66.66% chance to take away 2 lives!

Food Truck: Does not take away 1 life. Instead, it takes away a passenger.


Bonus level 1: The classic!

Bonus level 2: Just your typical road!

Bonus level 3: Truck Smashers!

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